

Loker Bank BNI: Officer Development Program (ODP)

Bank BNI Kembali membuka lowongan kerja terbaru untuk lulusan Baru posisi sebagai ODP. Cek dan lamar secara online secepatnya

KERJABUMN.ID, Loker BUMN 2024 - Saat ini PT Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) sedang membuka kesempatan berkarir untuk para lulusan baru sebagai ODP. Adapun persyaratan lowongan kerja yang harus di penuhi pelamar bisa Anda baca selengkapnya di bawah.

Lowongan Kerja Bank BNI

Lowongan Kerja Bank BNI Tahun 2024

Officer Development Program (ODP)

Our ODP is designed to develop future leaders and professionals in various banking functions, including:

  • General Banking Functions
  • Legal
  • Consumer
  • Global Analyst Program, covering Treasury, Corporate, Commercial and International Banking, and Enterprise Risk.

General Qualifications

  • S1 /S2 from reputable universities with relevant field of studies with the minimum GPA of : 
    • S1 : 3.00 or equivalent ; 
    • S2 : 3.25 or equivalent
  • Maximum age to apply : 
    • S1 : 26 years old ; 
    • S2 : 28 years old
  • Proficient in English and submit your score in the application TOEFL min. 450, we only accept score provided by official /authorized institution and valid.
  • Good critical thinking and analytical skills in inquiring and acquiring relevant, comprehensive information.
  • Excellent in communicating ideas, clearly and effectively to gain understanding and commitment from others
  • No member of nuclear family currently works in BNI (i.e., parents, siblings).
  • Single, never been married, and willing to remain unmarried during the journey of this program
  • Willing to be placed all over BNI units

Particular Qualifications

Legal Program : 
  • Law graduate from reputable universities and Having experience in the legal field for 1 year is preferred
Consumer Program : 
  • Having experience working in a sales function or consumer banking area for at least 1 year is preferred
Global Analyst Program : 
  • Proficient in English and submit your score in the application TOEFL min. 550 / TOEFL iBT min 75 / IELTS min 6 / TOEIC min 800, we only accept score provided by official /authorized institution and valid

Cara Melamar di Bank BNI

Untuk mengirim lamaran ke Bank BNI melalui tombol Lamar Pekerjaan Dibawah. Kami akan mengarahkan Anda ke halaman resmi Perusahaan. Pastikan Anda sudah memenuhi semua persyaratan posisi yang akan di lamar sebagaimana tercantum di atas Sebelum tanggal 30 juni 2024. 
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  • Semua proses perekrutan di perusahaan ini tidak di pungut biaya apapun!
  • Hati-hati terhadap penipuan yang mengatasnamakan perusahaan atau 
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